General SQL Parser Java v0.3 release

In this release, General SQL Parser can fetch all tables and columns in select/delete/insert/update and create table statement.

Use this SQL Parser Java version, It’s very easy to find out the tables have Create, Read, Update, Delete and Insert operations against them

Take this SQL script for example:

select last_name,job_id,salary from employees
where job_id=(select job_id
from employees
where employee_id=141)
and salary >
(select salary
from employees
where employee_id=141);

insert into emp e1 (e1.lastname,job) values(scott,10);

delete from department
where department_name = ‘Finance’;

update employees
set job_id = (select job_id
from employees
where employee_id = 205),
salary = (select salary from employees
where employee_id = 205)

where employee_id = 114;

When you use demo shipped together with this Java SQL Parser, you will get this output:

employees 5(select)   0(create table)   0(delete)   0(insert)   1(update)
emp 0(select)   0(create table)    0(delete)   1(insert)   0(update)
department 0(select)   0(create table)    1(delete)   0(insert)   0(update)

Do you interested in this? You can download Java SQL Parser from here.

In next release, this SQL Parser will be able to fetch all table and columns from SQL Server stored procedure(procedure/function/trigger), Oracle stored procedure(procedure/function/trigger) and package.

Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or suggestions about this SQL Parser.

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