Instant SQL Formatter

(Ver3.1.1 Updated: 04-02-2010)

SQL formatter web service/saas

By using this SQL formatter web service, you can add sql formatter feature to your application instantly, and use it at a low cost. This is the same web service used by Instant SQL formatter

The POST request method must be used when your client application send data to this SQL formatter web service server, your POST requests must include a message body(in xml) which contains SQL text that need to be formatted and SQL format options. This SQL formatter service will return a message(in xml) that indicate whether your SQL was formatted correctly or not, if you SQL was beautified successfully, formatted SQL will be included, otherwise, an error message will be included.

The document about structure of post message body in xml is here.

Here is a demo in php that shows how to use this web service. Download Now, and this is an online demo.

If you need to call this web service in classic ASP applications, this article may helpful: How to use HttpWebRequest to send POST request to another web server?

If you need to call this web service in your java program, this article may helpful: POSTing via Java


You need a license to use this web service, there are 2 types of license:
standard license: format less than 1000 sql per day. cost: $10 per month.
professional license: format less than 10000 sql per day. cost: $20 per month.

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If you need to format sql more than 10000 sql per day, please contact us at