SQL Language elements (characters)

characters, the basic symbols of keywords and operators in SQL language are the single-byte characters that are part of all IBM character sets.

charaters of language are classified as letters, digits or special characters.

A letter is any of the 26 uppercase (A through Z) or 26 lowercase (a through z) letters, plus the three characters $, #, and @, which are included for compability with host database products.

A digit is any of the charaters 0 through 9.

A special character is any of characters listed below:

Character Description Character Description
space or blank minus sign
quotation mark/double quote/double quotation mark . period
% percent / slash
& ampersand : colon
apostrophe/single quote/singe quotation mark ; semicolon
( left parenthesis < less than
) right parenthesis = equals
* asterisk > greater than
+ plus sign ? question mark
, comma _ underline/underscore
| vertical bar ^ caret
! exclamation mark [ left bracket
{ left brace ] right bracket
} right brace

All multi-byte characters are treated as letters, except for the double-byte blank, which is a special character.

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