60 day money back guarantee!

When you buy SQL Pretty Printer, your purchase is covered by our 60 day unconditional money-back guarantee.

  1. Select the product and number of licenses you want to purchase, then click the button below to complete your order. It's fast, simple and secure.
  2. Please select a product:

    Please select license:

            - OR -        

  3. Check your email: you should receive your receipt and your license key shortly, though in some rare occasions orders take a while to get through. Also, make sure you check your spam folders as emails get trapped there on occasion.
  4. Unlock your copy of SQL Pretty Printer with user name + license key pair.

  5. This purchase includes one year free upgrade.

We accept all major credit cards through Paypal or via the award-winning payment processor fastspring. Credit card payments are the easiest and speediest, but we also accept purchase orders to be paid by US-checks or electronic wire transfers, email us your PO or if you need a quote.