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Data lineage and related topics

Ultimate Guide to Data Lineage

Data lineage is a discipline that traces the origin, transformations, and movement of data as it flows through an organization’s systems and applications. Here are some high-level topics that relate to data lineage: Data governance: The management of data as…

Teradata data lineage tool

Teradata data lineage tool

Teradata is a fully scalable relational database management system produced by Teradata Corp. It is widely used to manage large data warehousing operations Gudu SQLFlow can connect to the Teradata Database via its own connection. It can automate metadata discovery to…

Azure SQL data lineage tool

Azure sql database data linege gudu sqlflow

Azure SQL Database is a fully managed platform as a service (PaaS) database engine that handles most of the database management functions such as upgrading, patching, backups, and monitoring without user involvement. Gudu SQLFlow can connect to the Azure SQL…

Snowflake data lineage tool

Snowflake is a cloud-based data management platform that provides enterprises with a flexible, scalable architecture for effective data collaboration. Gudu SQLFlow can connect to the Snowflake database via its own connection. It can automate metadata discovery to deliver a complete,…

SQL Server data lineage tool

Gudu SQLFlow can connect to the SQL Server/MSSQL database via its own connection. It can scan the metadata and read all the SQL stored procedure code and logic stored in it. Using this information, Gudu SQLFlow creates a detailed visualization…